CWG needs to be promoted as a people’s event
The upcoming Commonwealth Games mean a lot of things for a lot of people, especially in Delhi. Unfortunately, most of the talk about these big games that India is busy organising, centres around not how to enjoy the event but how to, somehow, get through it. The hyper security talk, the traffic disruptions it is expected to cause, the amount of mandays lost in constant construction activity, and the tedious lead-up to these Games has left a negativity among people, most of whom are busy planning what they need to do for those 15 days that the foreign delegates would be descending on the Capital. As we have learnt by experience, almost always in our tumultuous democracy, chaos precedes every big event. The Commonwealth Games are no different and if we are candid enough to admit, apparent, all-round chaos and confusion, delays and question marks on every aspect will continue to dog us, till the ribbon for the Games is cut. But another, more becoming truth is that all this chaos, all this...