Sweety Singh is a down-to-earth ‘true’ Punjabi chef with no cream, colour or kaju to add to his preparations. Punjabi food is not just an extra-rich winter plate, he tells MEENAKSHI RAO at the GT Road street food festival curated by The Claridges No cashew. No cream. No colour. That’s not good Punjabi food, you would say. The rolly-polly chef Sweety Singh vehemently differs. On a round to talk to his guests, know their preferences and ask them if the food is to their taste at the quaint Dhaba restaurant at The Claridges, Singh tells you he serves only healthy Punjabi food. “Healthy does not mean insipid. Healthy means the real Punjabi food, not the bastardised version that is being sold out of quick restaurants all over the world,” he says. Meaning what? “If you go into the history of Punjabi food, you will find it to be a simple, healthy and everyday rural platter rich in nutrients. I am here to propel the original Punjabi food which has the love of a grandmother an...