
Showing posts from March, 2017

The Ibnii: Evergreen tourism

Eco-tourism is a young but fastest growing concept in India even as environmentalists mull its efficacy to conserve Nature and boost economies of the local populace.  MEENAKSHI RAO  visited Coorg, a leader in eco-tourism, to tell you that this is one place where it is truly working The Silver Oak tree is very English. So is Scotland. But Coorg is far removed from both in distance and environment. No cold sea here threatening to rise over mountain wilderness to engulf you. No snow trying to bury you in. And no weather greys whatsoever, pushing your mood into the pits. Yet, Coorg is called the Scotland of India and yet, you see miles and miles of silver oaks trying to reach the skies. They sway gently in the gentle breeze over gentle slopes, performing their daily chore with becoming grace — the chore being guarding the fledgling coffee plants from rough weather and sun. The dewy fresh terrain, the heady smell of coffee, the therapeutic solitude broken only by the ...

For Sebastian, home is where nature is

Sebastian Perumpullikadan, a shipping tycoon from Dubai, came into the hospitality industry quite by accident. But his love for Nature and respect for the environment took him headlong into the eco-tourism industry where he is a leading name today.  MEENAKSHI RAO  talked to him at his newly opened coffee plantation resort The Ibnii at Coorg. Excerpts of the conversation What are your views on eco-tourism? Whether we make money or not, my pledge is that we will build only eco-friendly resorts. I am very passionate about Nature. At The Ibnii, as you can see, construction has been done with minimal destruction to flora. For every tree that had to be cut, I planted 100 saplings on the plantation. Every drop of water is accounted for, no food is wasted here and we have invested heavily in setting up a sewage treatment plant on the property itself. Water is recycled for nurturing the landscape. Each drop is calculated. The only water wastage is the amount that gets e...