Sanju negative

Sanjay Dutt has been sentenced for a crime he admitted to committing 20 years ago. As the nation debates whether the now reformed star should be punished or pardoned, Meenakshi Rao & Deebashree Mohanty tell you how the punishment was long time coming for a brash child who never grew up, pained his star parents by taking a wrong path and reformed only too late in life When Nargis Dutt was being taken to the US for treatment of pancreatic cancer, she was suffering yes, but not just because of this near fatal ailment. A much more debilitating problem was killing her in the mind — seeing her son falling into a trap from where she knew there would be no coming back. Sanjay Dutt, turning 21 back then, had been showing all kinds of signs that kill parents emotionally — he had dropped out of college, was hanging out with rogue friends and was taking to drugs in a big way. For a mother who doted on her only son, this would have been the final straw. “Please look after Sa...